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Alison Krauss - Shield Of Faith Lyrics

Alison Krauss - Shield Of Faith Lyrics

Sometimes I'm battle weary
I forget to use my shield
The arrows pierce my armor
And I stumble in the filed

A shield won't do much good if it's hangin' by your side
Keep the shield of faith before you if you want to stay alive

I'll think my life is over
But the Lord he comes to me
He heals my wounded spirit
And he sets me on my feet

A shield won't do much good if it's hangin' by your side
Keep the shield of faith before you if you want to stay alive

Sometimes your battle weary
But the war's already won
Keep your head and hold your shield high
'Til your days of life are done

A shield won't do much good if it's hangin' by your side
Keep the shield of faith before you if you want to stay alive

Keep the shield of faith before you if you want to stay alive
Labels: Alison Krauss

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