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Artillery - Show Your Hate Lyrics

Artillery - Show Your Hate Lyrics

horror and death - tonight your victim shall die
torture and fear - your knife is waiting for blood

Get out there and destroy - the ones that haunt your dreams
Get out there without mercy - cut them down to pieces
power and blood - tonight you're escaping from Hell
savage and wild - hate is controlling your mind

Feeling the bad times again - do not want it to last
Now you're revenging your pain - playing the master of Evil
>> Chorus: Looser - let it out
Looser - it's time to kill
Looser - show your

Screams from your victim - He's suffering
Blood on your hands - you're a killer

What do you feel are you proud
Deliv'rin'your soul to the Evil
Now you've got what you want
There's peace in your mind for a while

How do you feel - released
At least for a couple of nights
Labels: Artillery

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