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Afflicted - Spirit Spectrum Lyrics

Afflicted - Spirit Spectrum Lyrics

My veins begin to freeze
as I adapt to cryogenic sleep
slowly losing consciousness
in the grasp of high-technology

I'm falling through the scrying window
spinning through a spheric world
flashing visions clear

access access access to myself

I am on a journey
through the sanctum of myself
I am searching
for the secrets of my soul
I am experiencing
the depths of my mind
I'll find entrance to inner dominion

I chase myself through the maze
just to find what's in it
facing the mirror of emotions
the spectrum of my spirit

Revive memories,
impale oblivion
I am present,
in my own mind

Seconds freeze,
vacuum time
reality denied
collapsing mind,
trapped inside
forever I will die?

I am running mindless through the maze
as I face the entrance to the gate
behind the gate there's just another maze
this is eternity,
I am forced to face
I see the image of my spirit spectrum
every color has turned black or grey
there are no limits to how much a soul can suffer
I will experience for an eternity
Labels: Afflicted

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