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Gerard Joling - Spanish Heart.Lyrics

Gerard Joling - Spanish Heart

Oh we all have gypsy blood within our veins
And I can't stay too long at the same place.
So I laughed it life to tie me down
And I'm the searching kind that must get round.
I have been to every corner of the world
Found the passion of many different girls
I enjoyed a sight of Paris in the spring
was a begger but I've always felt a king
When I hear the cold wind calling my name,
It's the time that must I go
Though it hurts we have to part
Cause my
life's a traveling show and I've got a spanish heart
we all got a master plan that guides us.
We all have a heart that leads the way
We all have our dreams memories of yesterday
It's the time that I must go Though it hurts we have to part
Cause my
life's a traveling show and I've got a spanish heart

Labels: Gerard Joling

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