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Lirik Lagu Maher Zain - One Big Family | Lyrics

Maher Zain  - One Big Family
I wonder why you and me fight each other
Don’t you see the similarities between us?
Take a minute and see yourself in the mirror
You look like me: those eyes, lips – you can’t deny
Have you thought about
Why we look the same?
Why we feel the same?
Don’t tell me it’s by chance
Oh, you’re my brother
You’re my sister
We’re one big family
Oh, you’re my brother
You’re my sister
Just one big family
It doesn’t matter if you live far away from me
You feel I feel, you bleed I bleed, you cry and I cry
We sleep and dream
Sometimes we’re sad, sometimes we’re happy
You breathe I breathe
We love, walk, talk and we smile
I care about you
And I wish you could realize
There’s no difference between us two
We’re part of one family
No matter how far you are
And even if we don’t know each other
Oh, you and me, me and you, we are one
Labels: Maher Zain

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