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Greyson Chance - Home is in your eyes Lyrics

Greyson Chance - Home is in your eyes Lyrics

My heart beats a little bit slower
These nights are a little bit colder
Now that you're gone
My skies seem a little bit darker
Sweet dreams come a little bit harder...
I hate when you're gone.

Everyday time is passing
Growing tired of all this travelling
Take me away to where you are.

I wanna be holding your hand
In the sand
By the the tire swing
Where we use to be
Baby you and me
I travel a thousand miles
Just so I can see you smile
Feels so far away when you cry
'Cause home is in your eyes

[Verse 2:]
Your heart beats a little bit faster
There's tears where there use to be laughter...
Now that I'm gone...
You talk just a little bit softer
Things take a little bit longer.
You hate that I'm gone.

Everyday time is passing
Growing tired of all this travelling
Take me away to where you are.

I wanna be holding your hand
In the sand
By the the tire swing
Where we use to be
Baby you and me
I travel a thousand miles
Just so I can see you smile
Feels so far away when you cry
'Cause home is in your eyes

If I could write another ending
This wouldn't even be our song
I'd find a way where we would never ever be apart
Right from the start

[Chorus: x2]
I wanna be holding your hand
In the sand
By the the tire swing
Where we use to be
Baby you and me
I travel a thousand miles
Just so I can see you smile
Feels so far away when you cry
'Cause home is in your eyes
Labels: Greyson Chance

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