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Dark Funeral - In The Sign Of The Horns Lyrics

Dark Funeral - In The Sign Of The Horns Lyrics

Unholy master Satan,
take my blackened soul
Show me the secret gate
Where the lord of darkness rule
Take away my life
Take it far away
Take it to the shadows
I must die
Into realms of darkness
Where eternal shadows fall
My soul shall be free
Departed from the dying world
Embreced by the dark lord
My soul shall be immortal
Forever and ever I follow
My master Satans call
In the sign of the horns
Come and take my life
In the sign of the horns
I must die
Satan - hear my cries of anger
Come forth from the shadows - and take my life away
Master - sacrifice my soul
Make me one with darkness - Satan let me free
In the sign of the horns
Come and take my life
In the sign of the horns
I must die
Into realms of darkness
Where eternal shadows fall
My soul shall be free
Departed from the dying world
Embreced by the dark lord
My soul shall be immortal
Forever and ever I follow
My master Satans call
Satan - hear my cries of anger
Come forth from the shadows - and take my life away
Master - sacrifice my soul
Make me one with darkness - Satan let me free
In the sign of the horns
Come and take my life
In the sign of the horns
I must die
Labels: Dark Funeral

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