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Audio Adrenaline - Strong Lyrics

Audio Adrenaline - Strong Lyrics

I will follow wherever you lead me
Wherever you are underneith these stars is where I wanna be
And I will lay it down,
this old life of mine
I leave behind all the things of the world just to follow you

I'll be strong and courageous
I'll live my life for You,
my only King
'cause You're my God through all the ages
Here am I,
I am Yours,
send me

When I fall down and I'm broken
When I strumble on the rocks and lose my way
I will cling to Your eternal love
When I'm weak You come to me,
You give me strength


I will follow wherever you lead me
Wherever you are underneith these stars is where I want to be

{chorus x2}

Here am I,
I am yours,
send me
Here am I,
I am yours,
send me
Labels: Audio Adrenaline

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