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Anvil - Secret Agent Lyrics

Anvil - Secret Agent Lyrics

You make a living by being a spy
Up for hire as a private eye
Covert operation,
tap a telephone
Hack into a hard drive,
you're on your own
The fear of death is what keeps you alive
A deadly mission you must survive
You lurk in shadows,
darkness a friend
The lies begin and never end

It's not for glamour and it's not for fame
You have a number,
not a name
You take your chances out on a limb
You make your chances not on a whim

Secret agent,
your law is a gun
Secret agent,
you trust no one
Secret agent,
a man in black
Secret agent,
a gun at your back
Got to get away with what you can
Got to make a secret plan
Secret agent man!

Truth is out there,
you know it's a lie
Trust no one,
if you do you die
Government deployed,
what's at stake?
Double agent out on the take
Charged with treason,
secrets to sell
Signed in blood,
a contract with hell
Followed orders,
no questions asked
Suicide mission,
could be your last

Secret agent,
nothing to do
Secret agent,
the cold war is through
Secret agent,
it's espionage
Secret agent,
it's sabotage
Labels: Anvil

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