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Anvil - Hot Child Lyrics

Anvil - Hot Child Lyrics

I've been searching a long time
For a girl just like you
When I saw you,
I could tell then
All my dreams had come true
You came a-cruisin' into my life
I was ready for a change
I knew you were a hot girl
So I asked your name

>> Chorus:
You said it don't matter
Take me with you tonight
We'll hit the town and we'll party
Make sure I'm home before light

So we went cruisin' together
We had one hell of a time
That lady and I tore up the town
You know she blew my mind
We hit all the night spots
You know the music was intense
Lights reflected in her eyes
In the room the smoke was dense

I took her back to my place
You know she felt just fine
I started coming on to her
In seconds she was mine
Morning sun shone in her hair
You know she sure looked wild
I could really tell then
She was a Hot Child

Make sure,
make sure I'm home before light
Labels: Anvil

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