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Anthrax - Taking The Lyrics

Anthrax - Taking The Lyrics

Your lies that took me where I've been
Your lies don't make me who I am
Your lies that left me scarred
And so f*cking hard
Your lies that burn me deep inside
Your lies that helped to bleed me dry
Left on your own
Because your cover's blown

Taking the music back

Taking the music back

Taking the music back

Taking back,

Against your will I'm not a slave
Against the deal and you get paid
I won't throw you a rope
You prove that shit can't float
Against it,
you're the enemy
Against it,
your philosophy
Shit thrown against the wall
You'll eat it all

Taking the music back

Taking the music back

Taking the music back

Taking back


Taking the music back

Taking the music back

Taking the music back

Taking back

Taking the music back

Taking the music back

Taking the music back

I'm taking.
Labels: Anthrax

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