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Ani Difranco - Rockabye Lyrics

Ani Difranco - Rockabye Lyrics

tending the garden of noise
when I grow the traffic
and the churchbells
and the neighborhood boys
singing to myself
as the solitude sets in
in tune with the symphony
of south brooklyn
I sing

rockabye baby
the baby that is me
rockabye baby
rockabye til I'm fast asleep

the tunnel is train torn
the tracks are worn and sore
I can feel the rattle
riding up through the floor
she jumped the turnstyle
he paid for his ride
I am the echo in the station
where their footfalls collide
I left her at the epicenter
we were trembling dutifully
I left him too
I left parts of me
singing rockabye

I said today I am leaving
in every sense of the word
but I'm in love with your memory already
everything I've seen and heard
and I will go singing
as the solitude sets in
in time with the rythym
of everywhere I have been
it sounds like rockabye.
Labels: Ani DiFranco

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