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Alizee - I'm Not Twenty! Lyrics

Alizee - I'm Not Twenty! Lyrics

Looking for paradise
Is always on my mind
Morning light shining right
Sing me a lullaby

Oh! Baby come to me
Bring back simplicity
I'm here,
you see !
So why hang on to me ?
Just write me poetry
If you're okey dokey !

Get up and start to smile,
Do it for me
Wake up,
I'll come around man
Let's do ? ?boogie-woogie?

It's not even a game
Get over your pain
I'm not twenty
Not even ashamed
Could we celebrate
Cause' I'm not twenty
And life goes on and on
I go as I come
M lodie de vie
I fly all alone
A light little stone
You get old at twenty
And I want to be free !

Oh! Baby baby mine
you're always on my mind
Having fun is just fine
Your love,
I shall deny

Falling for me,
Is diving in someone's need
Love is too strong !
I've fallen into me
And freedom's ecstasy !
You can never go wrong
Labels: Alizee

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