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Afters - Someday Lyrics

Afters - Someday Lyrics

Ready or not the years are blurring
Running away the mind is turning
Skip to the end to find the meaning
Thoughts are fading,
yet I wonder still
Like it or not your eyes are open
Playing around,
the circles going
Face of a child,
your mind is old
The clock ran down before I could begin

>> Chorus:
I wish we all could win
I wish we all could smile
I wish we all could make our mothers proud

Want it or not you just can't leave it
Throw it away,
I can't believe it
Walking for days,
I know you'll see that
Times are changing,
soon we'll be the same

{Repeat Chorus}

You'll come around
Your time will come
There's nothing more that I can do
I know we all can make it through
I hope that someday you will see

{Repeat chorus and bridge}
Labels: Afters

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