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Mariah Carey - Vanishing.Lyrics

Mariah Carey - Vanishing lyrics

If I could recapture
All of the memories
And bring them to life
Surely I would
Hear the distant laughter
Wasn't it you and me
Surviving the night
You're fading out of my sight

You're vanishing
Drifting away
You're vanishing

I was so enraptured
No sensibility
To open my eyes
I misunderstood
Now you're fading faster
It's suddenly hard to see
You're taking the light
Letting the shadows inside

You're vanishing
Drifting away
You're vanishing

You're vanishing
Drifting away
You're vanishing

Reaching out into the distance
Searching for spirits of the past
Just a trace of your existence to
And if somehow I could recapture
All of the memories
And bring them to life
Lord knows I would
But now you're fading faster
Getting so hard to see
Taking the light
Letting the darkness inside

You're vanishing
Drifting away
You're vanishing
Labels: Mariah Carey

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