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Lionel Richie - Goodbye Lyrics

Lionel Richie - Goodbye Lyrics

I wanted you for life
You and me in the wind
I never thought there's come a time
That our story would end
It's hard to understand
But I guess I'll have to try
It's not easy
To say goodbye...

For all the joy we shared
All that time we had to spend
Now if I had one wish
I'd want forever back again
To look into your eyes
And hold you when you cry
It's not easy
To say goodbye...

I can remember all those great times we had
There were so many memories. Some good, some bad
Yes and through it all
These memories will last

There' peace in where you are
Maybe all I need to know
And if I listen to my heart
I'll hear your laughter once more
And so I got to say
I'm just glad you came my way
It's not easy to say
Labels: Lionel Richie

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